The Aging Smile: What You Can Do About the Years Showing on Your Teeth

December 31, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 10:14 pm
Stained Smile

Did you know that your smile is likely to age much faster than the rest of your body? As time goes by, your teeth will become yellower, appear worn, and are more likely to be chipped or damaged; you might notice that other people are assuming that you’re older than you actually are. If you want a grin that looks as young as you feel, read on to learn how your pearly whites are aging you – and how a cosmetic dentist in Kittanning can help!

How Your Smile Makes You Look Older

There are several cosmetic flaws that could be aging your teeth (as well as the rest of your face) that crop up over the years. Examples include:

  • Stains and Discoloration: Teeth tend to become stained from the dark-colored foods and beverages you eat and drink; coffee, tea, and tomato sauce are some of the most common culprits. At the same time, the duller appearance of your teeth could simply be due to your enamel getting thinner, making the yellowish dentin layer underneath more visible.
  • Worn Down Teeth: Your teeth will be fairly long when they first erupt during your childhood, but as they lose more and more enamel to the daily rigors of chewing, they’ll become shorter.
  • Missing Teeth: If there’s a gap in your grin, chances are it will leave you looking much older.
  • Outdated Fillings: Metal fillings discolor the teeth and draw the eye whenever you smile.
  • Wrinkles: The lower third of your face relies on your teeth and jaws for support. When your dental structures become worn down over the years, the skin in this area of the face will fold or bunch up around the mouth, causing wrinkles.

How a Cosmetic Dentist Can Remove the Years from Your Smile

Every patient is unique, but rest assured that your dentist in Kittanning will have plenty of options for making the corrections to improve the appearance of your teeth and create an overall younger look. Depending on your situation, you might need:

  • Metal Free Restorations: You can replace an older crown or filling with one made out of a natural-looking material that closely resembles the surface of your teeth.
  • Direct Bonding: Composite resin can be applied on your teeth to hide small chips and cracks.
  • Teeth Whitening: A professional whitening can remove stains that store-bought products wouldn’t be able to reach and leave your smile several shades brighter.
  • Porcelain Veneers: These thin, handmade shells can make multiple corrections at once by covering the front of your teeth.

You can also ask your dentist about ways you can limit damage that can cause your teeth to look older (such as avoiding tobacco that can cause stains and brushing regularly to avoid cavities). Remember: time marches on, but with the right treatment, you can still enjoy a younger-looking smile.

About the Author

Dr. Ray Voller is a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and has been bringing Kittanning high-quality, modern dental care since 1981. In addition to porcelain veneers, teeth whitening, and other common cosmetic dental procedures, he offers Botox© to get rid of facial wrinkles. To schedule an appointment at his practice, Voller Dentistry, visit his website or call (724) 543-4948.

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