The Truth About Dental Implants: 5 Important Facts

September 30, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 10:01 pm
Before and after images of dental implant placement

About half a million people replace their missing teeth with dental implants every year; it’s no exaggeration to say that it’s the new “gold standard” that dentists like to recommend when there’s empty space in the smile that needs to be filled. Despite this, though, there are quite a few misconceptions about dental implants floating around. It’s important to be able to separate the myths from the facts so that you fully understand just how beneficial implant-retained teeth really are as well as what you can expect during the process. Here are 5 facts about dental implants in Kittanning that just might surprise you.

1. Dental Implants are Cavity-Proof – But the Rest of Your Teeth Aren’t

Dental implant posts are made out of titanium, and the restorations they support are typically composed of porcelain. Because of this, they aren’t vulnerable to decay like normal teeth are. That doesn’t mean you don’t have to worry about brushing and flossing anymore, of course. After all, the teeth near your implant-retained restoration can still develop cavities. Furthermore, if your gums become infected, your implants could be at risk. Thus, it’s important that you continue to practice excellent oral hygiene even after receiving a dental implant.

2. Dental Implants Have an Extremely High Success Rate

You may have heard horror stories about dental implant failure, but while every procedure carries a risk of complication, dental implant placement is a time-tested treatment that has a 95% success rate. That number is impressive on its own, and it’s only likely to improve as dental technology gets better. Combined with the numerous benefits that implants offer (such as nearly matching the chewing power of natural teeth and preventing your new teeth from shifting or becoming loose), it’s easy to see why implants are often so highly recommended.

3. You’ll Need to Pay Attention to Your Diet at First

It will take time for the implants to fully join with the jaw bone, so you’ll need to be careful around certain kinds of foods for at least six months. You should mainly stay away from hard or crunchy foods that could put too much strain on the posts. Similarly, you need to avoid bad habits like chewing ice or biting your nails.

4. Dental Implants Can Restore Confidence

Dentures that are prone to slipping out of place while chewing or speaking can make you feel awkward or embarrassed. Dental implants, on the other hand, stay firmly in place and function just like your natural teeth, making it easy to face the world with confidence.

5. Dental Implants Can Be Relatively Inexpensive

While you may be concerned with the cost of dental implants, in certain circumstances they might actually be the least expensive option. They are a long-term solution that won’t need to be replaced nearly as often as a traditional bridge or dentures. And if a tooth has been badly damaged or decayed enough, it is sometimes more cost-effective to replace it than to salvage it.

If you have any questions about how dental implants work or are unsure about what is or isn’t true, talk to your dentist in Kittanning; they can help you find the truth behind implants so that you can discover for yourself whether or not they’re your best solution for your missing teeth.

About the Author

Dr. Ray Voller has been practicing dentistry in Kittanning for 30 years now. He is an enthusiastic lecturer who often speaks to other dental professionals and students about the state of modern dentistry. He particularly enjoys performing full mouth reconstructions using dental implants and other forms of restorative dentistry. To schedule a dental implant consultation, visit his website or call (724) 543-4948.

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