Why You Need to Protect Your Smile During Allergy Season

April 28, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 9:38 pm
Yellow warning sign with message, “Allergy Season Ahead”

Spring brings beautiful flowers and refreshingly warm weather. It also brings pollen and other allergens that can leave you sniffling and sneezing on a regular basis. It’s easy to think of spring allergies as just a minor irritant, but what you may not realize is that they can indirectly lead to oral health issues. In this post, you’ll discover some of the side effects that allergies can have on your teeth and gums, as well as what you can do to keep your smile safe in the coming months.

How are Allergies Linked to Oral Health Issues?

Allergies that result in sinus pressure can sometimes lead to what feels like a toothache. If your oral pain grows worse when you move your head, chances are that it’s connected to the sinuses in some way. This often occurs because the sinuses are very close to the upper molars.

One particularly common oral health issue occurs around allergy season not necessarily as a direct result of allergies but as a side effect of treating them. Some of the antihistamines or other medications you might take to relieve the symptoms of your allergies can reduce saliva production, resulting in a dry mouth. Saliva plays an important role in digesting food, cleaning the teeth, and neutralizing the acids in plaque that lead to cavities. As such, a dry mouth generally means an increased risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

Finally, if you suffer a sore throat from unknowingly swallowing an allergen, it can cause your lymph nodes to swell. In turn, this cause significant dental pain.

What Can You Do to Protect Your Smile During Allergy Season?

If you experience tooth pain at any point, then you should seek dental care as soon as possible. Your dentist will need to pinpoint the cause of your discomfort to make sure it isn’t due to a tooth infection. If the pain is related to the sinuses, then you might need to see your physician for a decongestant or anti-inflammatory medication.

Make sure that you’re drinking plenty of fluids to prevent your mouth from drying out. A glass of water will keep your teeth and gums moist, and it will wash away the harmful substances that can lead to decay and gum disease. And of course, brushing, flossing, and attending preventive checkups become more important than ever when your smile is at a higher risk for oral health issues.

As long as you’re proactive with your oral and overall health during allergy season, you can keep smiling all throughout spring while protecting your teeth and staying as comfortable as possible. Call your dentist in Kittanning today for additional tips on protecting your smile while dealing with allergies.

About the Author

Dr. Ray Voller graduated from the University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine in 1980. He has completed all six levels of continuing education offered by the LD Pankey Institute in Miami. Today, his team at Voller Dentistry is providing families with high quality dental care, keeping their grins well-protected throughout allergy season and all year long. To schedule a seasonal checkup, visit his website or call (724) 543-4948.

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