4 New Year’s Resolutions for a Healthier Smile 

December 31, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 5:25 pm
Friends with sparklers on New Year's Eve

With 2022 right around the corner, there is no time like the present to set some goals and intentions for the new year. If your oral hygiene habits have become more and more lackluster over the recent months or years, then why not consider adding some smile-friendly New Year’s resolutions to that list? If you’re unsure where to begin, here are four ideas to help get you started!

#1. Level Up Your Current Oral Hygiene Routine

As the weeks go on, it can be harder and harder to find the motivation to follow through on your resolutions. A great way to help keep you accountable is by making the process exciting! Instead of using a standard manual toothbrush, opt for an electric one that does most of the work for you. Spice up your flossing routine with a water flosser. Refresh your breath with a fun flavored mouthwash. The opportunities are endless!

#2. Floss at Least Once a Day

Did you know that about one-third of Americans rarely floss? The most common reason? It’s too time-consuming. If this sounds all too familiar, then make the process less cumbersome. Opting for a water flosser or pre-threaded floss are both great places to start. The goal should be to consistently floss at least once a day. (Note: setting an alarm on your phone can help you remember as you build this habit!).

#3. Cut Back on Sugar

Sugary foods and drinks can wreak havoc on your teeth, significantly increasing your chances of developing cavities. So, one of your resolutions for achieving a healthy smile should be cutting back on sugar. Remember, even baby steps can make a huge difference, like swapping out one soda a day for a glass of water.

#4. Attend Both of Your Dental Checkups and Cleanings

Have you fallen out of the habit of visiting your dentist every six months? Even worse, have you come to believe that these appointments are merely optional? Dental checkups and cleanings are an essential component of any good oral hygiene routine for numerous reasons. To start, they catch dental problems in the initial stages, remove plaque and tartar, and screen for oral cancer. In short, if your next biannual appointment isn’t on the calendar yet, take a step toward a healthier smile today by scheduling it!

With 2022 comes a fresh start, why not use it to enhance your dental care regimen? After all, a healthier smile won’t just benefit your oral health, it will benefit your confidence and overall well-being too!

About the Practice

Our team at Voller Dentistry is proud to offer a comprehensive array of services, including teeth-straightening orthodontics and smile-enhancing cosmetic dentistry. However, a truly healthy smile starts with dental checkups and cleanings every six months. Our team goes the extra mile to provide meticulous exams and refreshing cleanings that will benefit your smile, oral health, and overall well-being. If you have any questions about caring for your teeth at-home or want to schedule an appointment, don’t hesitate to visit our website or call 724-543-4948.

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